Threads 389 Messages 30. Welcome to Usagi Quest, an odd blend between CK3 and Princess Maker that has been bouncing around in my brain for a while now. Chapter 1: The Beginning Words 1. . The cesspit of the galaxy. Victoria Falls: A Post-Collapse American Nation Quest is a play-by-post Quest roleplay created by PoptartProdigy on Sufficient Velocity. Words: 1. This is HoennQuest, loosely based on the Pokerole RPG and CKII (as seen through DoofQuest). Having learned their lesson in the blood-churning free-for-all of the previous war, the five most powerful hidden villages — Iwagakure, Kirigakure, Konohagakure, Kumogakure, and Sunagakure — all worked to build. ck2 quest | Sufficient Velocity Tags ck2 quest Mobile Suit Gundam: Pax Iove (An Original Gundam AU Advisorquest) Threadmarks: Introduction - Nation Select Sci-Fi. 282 283 284. 6k. 3k Apr 7, 2021 New Chapter 176: Medhall’s Gossip Words 2. In the next few days, some forums/subforums will be getting new names. On this weekend, I will be unveiling a project as a capstone to my time in the Council, short as it was. In the roiling waves of chaos and madness, something began to form, and the warp changed around it. The Cold War, which had dominated geopolitics for decades, was starting to take a back. The Horned Rat. The ability of its Economy and the Will of its Leader. Hot, too hot! You smell fire! You open your eyes for the first time, newborn and ancient at the same time, pitilessly black with no visible sclera or iris and take. Artorias, of the Abyss. Gifted in the art of Naming, he was taken in by a traveling priest and eventually became the champion of his deity, the Demon Andras, the Marquis of Discord. Recent threadmarks The Birth of Pixar Turn 54 (May 1977) New Home and Heart Turn 53 Results (April-May 1977) New Then Everyone Needed Help From Bruce Turn 53 (April 1977) New Rewards for Other Awards show. It was during a small skirmish with a band of robber knights that your story begun. com, based on William S. TERMINUS QUEST . Going on a Quest costs a hero unit’s personal action for the turn. The Destroyer and its Necron cults slowly drive back the combined forces of the Imperium Secundus and the Tau Empire. Of the Age of Erdtree, promised to last forever. The protagonist, Gōketsu-née-Kurosawa Hazō, is a young ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist who went missing, had adventures, and then managed to buy his way into the Village Hidden in the Leaves by way of a seal that he co-invented. We have noted several instances of. All Empires crumble, one day or another. Somewhere nearby. NOT a Genie. This initial post wil be the repository for general rules and information going forwar. Aladdin is, of course, the MC. The goal of HoennQuest is to become the foremost expert in a Pokemon type in the region and establish a Gym. Recent threadmarks They Came From Beneath - A Middle Mountains Interlude Spikes, Horns, and Stone 4 A Dynasty of Frost and Sorrow - The War of Bitter Ice, Part 10 A Dynasty of Horn and Thorn - An Excerpt From Turn 98 Spikes, Horns, and Stone 3 Sisters In Darkness and Death - Journey To The West, Part 7 A Dynasty of Salt and. . Sub-forums. The dark edge of civilization. The Terminus Systems. Taylor summons Servants, you control said Servants. Welcome to Smite Quest. Fantasy. Your home. Replies. Man-things are not alone in fading and falling. com, based on William. Announcement Archive Threads 389 Messages 30. Rogue (1) : Flying Mutant with power absorption abilities, and an atrocious accent. This is a Worm/Fate Quest inspired by Projection Quest, and most Servant-based Fate/Worm fics. . Sub-forums. We would like to remind people that when they create a new account, they are violating the registration. America, 2077. . Quest Backstory: You grew up in what one might call a transformative period. 9kONGOING QUESTS: Uncle Grubb's Mysterious Mansion Uncle Grubb's Mysterious Mansion by @JMHthe3rd - [Original] Summary: A family of four young. As they stand at the precipice of a great journey, the fate of their chosen race rests on their shoulders. nwish425. One bright line seems to go to an Entity, and the other goes to an alternate Earth. You will make an enemy of all others. Welcome to Marked For Death, an AU Naruto-verse quest by and for the rational fiction crowd. For now: Your maximum total suite of. 115. Lucifer had charged his armies at heaven in increasingly desperate attacks, cursing his creator and the inadequacy of his subordinates. And to make it. If Doofenshmirtz goes on a Quest, it costs 3 of his Personal Actions. Chaos God Quest Chapter 1: A Change in the Warp The warp, a place born of the thoughts and dreams of every mortal, everchanging and beyond comprehension, in such a place, anything can happen. Revolt-Revolution, Yes-Yes! (CK2 Skaven Post-Revolution Quest) All Empires fall. Full details can be found here. Threadmarks. 7K. New The Oscars New Before the Oscars Turn 52 Results (March-April 1977) New The Award Seasons Turn 52 (March. When the great Satans died, all of Devilkind could breathe a sigh of relief. Once there was a man named Sigeric, the unwanted and cursed spawn of a human and a fairy, the identities of both unknown. . Storm (1) : Flying Mutant with the ability to control the weather at a large. 8K [2022-2023] Council Updates Thread. Sure is a big destiny for such a regular girl. Sufficient Velocity. . For the past six years and counting, Sufficient Velocity has run along on being a creative forum and for the past five, I've made the Quest subforum a home away from home where I go and seek out the latest of the creative works offered by. . This quest places you as the readers in the position of a lonely teenager in Brockton Bay, who triggers with the ability to summon deities and mythical figures. The Dance of Empires [A Battletech Empire Building Quest!] The Rise and Fall of Empires are predicated on the strength of their people. Words: 110k. But when the Under-Empire fell it did so quick-quick. You're not sure but you're guessing that there's a Host person on the other end. The fallen leaves tell a story. Prolog: In the tumultuous world of Thedas, a group from one background and race find themselves drawn together by a shared calling. . Views. A day that will live in infamy, as the bombs of the great war dropped, vaporizing the vast majority of america, reducing it to a radioactive wasteland: the end of civilization as it was known, with humanity only surviving thanks to Vaults, giant complexes designed to house those lucky (or unlucky) enough to secure a. Mature Sci-Fi Fantasy alien imperium bad warhammer. Feb 23, 2023. 1. . Quests | SpaceBattles. The Long Night Part Two: Sparks at Midnight: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Chaos has completed its great ritual, weakening the veil between the Warp and the Materium, if only just. Quests always begin with you designating a Party Leader. Can stretch his body in all sorts of weird ways. At least, not yet. . Pick a type to master 2. There will be no peace for you in death. Pretty simple. You need a plan. Quests | SpaceBattles. Words: 210k. Of the flames, of the moon and stars, of Chaos and of Death. It. Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest) The Bird. October 23rd. Those in Citadel Space like to claim that theirs is the only light of civilization, but that's never been true. The Inner Sphere is no stranger to the rise and fall of powerful men and women and the states they. This will most likely be on the lighthearted side. We have noted several instances of people creating multiple accounts for purposes of padding a vote in a quest. Jan 17, 2021 Created at Jan 18, 2018 Index progress Ongoing Watchers 2,693 Recent readers 1,352 Threadmarks 1,069 As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde. Answer: You're connected to two things, but as best you can tell you haven't given out any powers. Confused and bruised you burst from your birthing-cocoon, amniotic fluid steaming from your large , crested skull in the hot air. Sci-Fi. Meaning, Aladdin's got money, he's got power, he's got 53 Purple Peacocks, to say the least. 8K. Full details can be found here. Honestly, the reputation is exaggerated. (If Doofenshmirtz is on a Quest, he is always the party leader. ) You then assign up to 4 (usually) other Hero Units to go on the quest. Threadmarks. Threadmarks. . Lind's Victoria. It is said the rot-failure crept in little by little. A wretched hive, if one is feeling poetic, of scum and villainy. The Forge-Empire of Callamus. It began on 11 March 2019. You woke up with a yawn and rose from your hay. Victoria Falls: A Post-Collapse American Nation Quest is a play-by-post Quest roleplay created by PoptartProdigy on Sufficient Velocity. Dec 3, 2022. He’s got a genuinely. In the next few days, some forums/subforums will be getting new names. Having learned their lesson in the blood-churning free-for-all of the previous war, the five most powerful hidden villages — Iwagakure, Kirigakure, Konohagakure, Kumogakure, and. Of Grace-Given Order, and the lineage of gold. 1k. Forum News. Everything was a sign of the Seven blessing, the day was a good one; the sky were clear of clouds and the spring had recently arrived, making the orchards blossom. Their triumphs or failures will shape the destiny of. Discord. Forum News. The Second Shinobi World War, as it’s being called, was a radically different creature from its predecessor. Set 25 years after the events of the book, the North American continent is a warzone of survivor communities and successor states. Go back. #1. To do this you will need to (in no particular order): 1. The lawless frontier. Welcome to Prince Aladdin Quest! Aka, Aladdin's Wish never got undone, as Jafar was merely a sorcerer when he "changed Aladdin back". Threadmarks: Turn 1 - Bringing a new Dawn to the Underworld. You must navigate Brockton Bay's treacherous cape scene, while also discovering the secrets of your power. You are Usagi Tsukino, the girl who will one day rule over the entire solar system from Crystal Tokyo. Words: 4. 5k Jul 2, 2023 New Chapter 177: Ultimate Aylamon Words 2. Threadmarks. mountain vietnam the road to hell is paved in shinies this is a dwarf quest this is not a vampire quest this is not an empire quest. The Second Shinobi World War, as it’s being called, was a radically different creature from its predecessor.